Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Want A Wii Too!

Ok, I have to admit I don't care about video games, never thought I would need to jump on the bandwagon and buy an xbox or playstation or wii... until now. Went over to my sisters house last Saturday night (kind of to be set up with this guy) and they just purchased one for themselves for Christmas and I have to admit, they are totally fun! And had cute new guy not been there I would have been all over those games! I didn't want to try the tennis or boxing or the "shoot the giant spiders" game in case I looked stupid, I did however bowl and it was not only really fun to do but it was good exercise. And now that I know all the different kinds of games they have - well heck, I want in on this! So in one night I went from "I don't care about the wii" to "I need to figure out how to get a wii" lol! Nicholas is going to be so happy when I come home with one someday!

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