Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Want A Wii Too!

Ok, I have to admit I don't care about video games, never thought I would need to jump on the bandwagon and buy an xbox or playstation or wii... until now. Went over to my sisters house last Saturday night (kind of to be set up with this guy) and they just purchased one for themselves for Christmas and I have to admit, they are totally fun! And had cute new guy not been there I would have been all over those games! I didn't want to try the tennis or boxing or the "shoot the giant spiders" game in case I looked stupid, I did however bowl and it was not only really fun to do but it was good exercise. And now that I know all the different kinds of games they have - well heck, I want in on this! So in one night I went from "I don't care about the wii" to "I need to figure out how to get a wii" lol! Nicholas is going to be so happy when I come home with one someday!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You Will Learn How To Use This Computer Or Else!

So the company I work for merged with a larger company late last year and as of January 1st we have many, many changes to adapt to. New paperwork, new policies and procedures, new benefits, new payroll, etc. Change is always hard but usually good for us. I manage a very nice apartment complex and have 3 employees under me and I swear to God, my maintenance guy just about pushed me to my limit today! He's 54 and completely computer illiterate. Our new payroll system has each employee logging their own hours into a website and submitting them that way. It took me a couple of minutes the first time I did it, no big deal. Now maintenance guy, I'll just call him "Tim," took over 2 hours this morning and I thought I was going to lose my mind. What's sad is this is the second time we have done this so it shouldn't be so foreign this time around but it was a complete disaster. He is physically incapable of using the mouse. He couldn't click on a damn thing! He hit the wrong buttons, he was completely baffled by having to use the backspace key, he looked at me like I was crazy when I told him to push the shift key plus whatever letter he wanted to capitalize....ugh. I sat with him and did a lot with him and he complained about this every single minute of those two hours... "I could do this with a pen in just a matter of minutes" grumbles "Tim." I come back with "This is really easy stuff, you're just not used to using the computer. It will get easier every time you do it" and he kept right on complaining about it. While he was complaining about this it would slow him down even more and he kept getting logged out because his time had expired! I started out seated next to him, somewhat calm. Over the course of two hours I was pacing the room, rubbing my neck because it was killing me (Tim's fault!), rubbing my head because it was killing me (Tim's fault!), running my hands thru my hair, thus messing it up (Tim's fault) and basically just jumping out of my skin! I'm ok with teaching people new things but when they have a lousy attitude and just bitch about it I get really ticked off! Finally after he was timed out for the 5th time and I had lost precious time at my desk I snapped! He brought up yet again how he doesn't understand why we can't just do it on paper like before and I said "Ok, that's enough. You are just going to have to accept that this is how it's going to be from now on. You are accomplishing absolutely nothing just sitting here bitching about it and this is wasting both of our time. You may as well resign yourself to the fact that this company is going to see to it that you know how to use a computer. And no, I'm not going to do this for you, this is your responsibility. Now stop complaining and finish putting in your hours or you are simply not going to get paid." OMG, was that harsh or what? But it worked! He shut up and put the rest of his hours in and then I had him get the hell out of dodge! I just downed 3 Ibuprofen for my aches and pains and so far no relief but I can at the very least say that "Tim Maintenance Guy" is going to get paid!