Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

When I woke up this morning I was quite startled to realize that tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I love making to do lists, I'm a big fan of it and it works for me but I must have been slacking because I still had a lot to do! So I left early and finished my last minute shopping - a gift card for my Grandpa, stocking stuff, baking supplies, etc. I whipped up a batch of fudge! On my lunch hour today I finished wrapping everything except for Peanut's gifts (yes, our dog gets presents from us AND Santa!). Tonight I will make chocolate dipped pretzels and cookies and start cleaning my apartment since the family will be over eating tomorrow night after church. My mind isn't on work at all, I have a half hour left tonight and four hours tomorrow morning. So stupid to have to come in at all - people are NOT looking for apartments on Christmas Eve! Plus we have another snow storm coming in! Oh well, I'll just screw around on the computer and write Nicholas a letter from Santa. He is in Yakima with his father today and I have to go pick him up tomorrow night at 9:30. Not thrilled about that but I'll be able to put him to bed at my home and see him wake up to all the joys of Christmas morning and he's mine the whole day!!!! I tell you what, sharing your child sucks. I want him to myself. He's got quite a Christmas to look forward to and I cannot wait for him to open his presents! But mostly I can't wait to go to my parents house for the entire day and spend it with my family, eating, playing games, watching movies and just hanging out. And for the first time in years we will definitely have a white Christmas and it's absolutely beautiful! This hasn't been a great year for me and I've been struggling with it a lot the past few weeks but when I think about how much luckier I am then so many other people in this world I am extremely grateful for my family and friends, my health, my job and home and I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas!!!

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